Denise Jolly: Be Beautiful

Sometimes, the most courageous thing we can do is just openly be ourselves.


Over the past few months I have been blessed to be part of a body politic think tank at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. As a group we are engaging the question “what sits on the other side of my body’s shame and joy?” That is a hard question to answer. For me, in order to understand what sits on the other side of body shame and body joy, I have to engage my internalized body shame and invite the possibilities of body joy. Given that I have been a woman of size my entire life raised in poor, suburban, white, American culture my core belief systems are steeped in shame and invisibility. What better way to challenge those internalized beliefs than to examine images of my body on a social network setting — a place completely at the intersection of my given family, people I grew up with, people who only know me in the context of art, and my current chosen family.







Link Love:




Be Beautiful: How 30 Days Nearly Naked Changed My Life


3 responses to “Denise Jolly: Be Beautiful

    • Her website catalogs all 30 images from the series/exploration, and are definitely worth a look. I think what she has to say about the project is really worth some time as well! (Also, cats love the internet too!)

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