Studio Update: Getting Settled

The past two weeks have definitely been a blur. Graduate school so far has been a lot more about reading than its been about painting. My weekly reading queue has been more than 200 pages of theory-dense, academic articles. That said, it’s a really exciting and current environment to be working in. Everyone here supports and urges experimentation. To that end I think I’ll be returning to the plaster masks I had started making last winter as well as the flower-petal dress construction I started this spring.
Painting, however, still holds most of my passion right now. I have started a new piece working from two photographs I took at very different times. I am pretty excited about where this piece may be headed.




2 responses to “Studio Update: Getting Settled

  1. I love this piece! The frenetic quality it terrific, as is the self-portrait! And, even though the orientation is horizontal, the composition is fighting to”get up”. Great!

    • Thank you! It actually was a very thought-out composition. I did the drawing for this piece many, many months ago, and it’s been patiently waiting for me in my sketchbook for this moment. I’m trying to work on it in rapid, short bursts so it stays fresh and doesn’t get overworked. Thanks again! Positive feedback always makes my day 😀

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